Dear Maui Monster...
I just found out that my people are going to have a baby. I'm not happy about becoming second fiddle for the rest of my life. I'm aware that this isn't a question.
- Concerned
Dear Concerned,
Your feelings are totally understandable. I went through a bout of that myself when my people's friends started having kids. But then I started hanging out with some of them (that's me with Zacko up there) and have since discovered a few choice benefits to having kids around. For example, they drop a lot of food. Now, it's not great food for the first little bit, but the cheese'll come soon enough.
As for becoming second fiddle, I don't think you have to worry. But just in case, you may want to be extra nice. I, for example, have started spending nights on the floor next to the bed rather than on it, draped over Dan and Tiia. I'm sure this gesture will not go unnoticed when their time comes.