I slowly scanned through my options. The smelly cheeses tended to be towards the ends of the branches (I assume for ventilation's sake), while the soft cheeses were almost all next to the trunk, which worked out well for bark dipping. It was too much choice, too much pressure! Where to begin?
Found My Marbles was snugly situated on the tree's west side, about three quarters up, and next door to The Jolly Jarlsberg and Gouda, Wouda, Shouda; and it felt right. I knocked on the door and a little mouse in an orange and yellow chef's hat promptly answered. "We've been expecting you, Maui Monster" he said as the wonderful smell of his creations tickled my nose. "I knew you'd come here first so I had Jacques prepare you an amuse-bouche". He went behind the door and returned with a perfectly shaped sliver. He brought it towards my salivating mouth, and just as I opened wide to receive it, a parade of soccer fans went past my window and woke me up with their car horns, vuvuzelas and drunken cheering after a 0-0 result.
How do you say "I want my Cheese Tree back" in Portuguese?