Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lesson learned.

I've been known to lick pee from time to time. You'd be surprised what kind of info you can get from a taste of the old Number One. For example, the other day I noted a hint of liver treat on the back leg of a park bench. I miss liver treats. Sigh.

Anyway, Milo fountain-peed all over the floor today while Dan was changing him and I had to know what it was like. That was a bad idea. Baby pee isn't anything like dog pee. It smells like pee. It tastes like pee. Can't say I wasn't disappointed.

But then we went for a walk and I found a lovely mozzarella stick (see above). And all was right in the world again.

Monday, October 7, 2013

My very own Maui Doll.

This is the Yurkenbaum signature gift for new people. It's called the Maui Doll. It's more of a spiritual likeness.

I loved when Milo came so we could finally have a Maui Doll of our own. Then I found out that it's actually called Licorice The Dog. It came as quite the shock, but I'm nothing if not a dog of action. Since at least 40 people know him as the Maui Doll now, I'm pleading my case to blabla. Here it goes:

Five Good Reasons To Rename Him The Maui Doll

5. We sent one to Noah and Ebba in Sweden, where 'licorice' is pronounced 'lakritsrot'. That's probably a mouthful for them, even without all that yummy lakritsrot.

4. Dan and Tiia buy them in Kol-Kid, and they don't let real dogs in. That's seven years of being taunted by (who I thought was) my namesake; only being able to appreciate him from afar. It was difficult, especially in the winter.

3. If you have to say it's a dog, it doesn't look enough like a dog. Like when Fox News says they're fair and balanced.

2. Stewie. I love Charlie (and you'd love her too), but she's gotta learn.

1. Our ears are similarly shaped. Which reminds me that I haven't had a good ear scratch in a while. Milo has long fingers. This bodes well for the future.