Thursday, February 27, 2014


Dan now takes sticks away from me in the park when I start eating them, as if he thinks I can't find another one.

I think he does it because he's never tried one for himself. He really should. I keep offering sticks to try, but he thinks I'm asking him to throw it for me. One of these days, he'll get the hint. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Me and the TTC

If you've never sprawled out on your belly while riding the subway, you're missing out. It's like a gentle body massage. Well, gentle most of the time. In and out of St. George is a bit bumpy. It's a good time to flex up. I might start planking it. My people have started planking. They're cute.

Here are five things I love about the riding the TTC:

Rita, the lady who calls out the station names. She's so thorough. "The next station is St. Clair. St. Clair Station." One day for a hoot, they should swap Rita out for a Jamaican lady with a thick accent. Like Grampa George's nurses. Sint Cleere Steeashun.

The drumbeats on my head. Dan likes to play along with whatever he's listening to. Sometimes, I try to guess the song. The other day it was Waiting For a Star To Fall by Boy Meets Girl. He secretly loves it. Don't tell anybody.

The people. Even the grumpy ones. Especially the grumpy ones. Not to brag, but I've turned a few frowns upside down in my day. I've also gotten super chin scratches and head rubs from total strangers.

The new subways. The best is when it's empty and I can see from one end to the other. Sometimes I wish Dan kept a tennis ball in the bag so he could whip it down the corridor for me. Maybe I'll find one in the park if the snow melts.

The dream of one day sprawling out on my belly from Steeles West to Kew Beach.

Sharing a moment

I love snuggling with Milo after he eats. It has nothing to do with the sweet taste of baby formula on his clothes. Seriously.  I've noticed that Dan and Tiia have started giving him jarred baby food. I wonder when he'll start eating cheese? I anticipate prolonged snuggles when he hits that phase.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Time to think

I didn't leave the house yesterday. Well, that's not entirely true. I didn't leave the property yesterday – Tiia did let me out into the backyard a couple of times. I like referring to our property as 'the property'. It makes me feel so aristocratic. I'd be a good aristocrat. I think I'd want to be a Duke – all the benefits of royalty but without the responsibility of a King or a Prince. Who needs that kind of trouble?

It's supposed to snow again tomorrow. I'm prepping for another indoor day. It's a rough life.

Friday, February 7, 2014

He's mesmerized. And who can blame him?

Milo has learned to focus his eyes and now he can't stop staring at me. I wonder what his favourite quality of mine is? I bet it's my ears. Everyone likes my ears. One day he'll be big enough to pull at them like Dan does. I wonder if he'll tie them in a knot like Dan does? I wonder if Dan will ever figure out that I don't like it when he does that?

On the other hand, Milo could be staring at my nose. It's a cute nose, I've been told. Milo's got a cute nose too. If I had to say whose nose was cuter, I'd have to reluctantly say Milo's. Although, by the time he's old enough to read this, his nose will most certainly look different, whereas I'll have the same cute black button.

No, wait. It's gotta be my eyes. They're soulful and human-like. Dan says they make me look like a boy wearing a dog costume. Maybe Milo is a dog wearing a boy costume? Wouldn't that be something?