Dear Maui Monster...
The nighttime routine is getting stale. Same walk route. Same walk time. Same 30 minutes watching Jeopardy! How can I get my people to mix it up?
Love the blog...
Bored Beagle
Dear BB...
Can I call you BB? Guess it doesn't matter much now. I'm sorry if you didn't like it. Gramma Christine used to call me MauMau. It wasn't my favourite, but I let her get away with it because she was a trooper when it came to walking me in the rain. And I liked pretending I was a Chinese dictator with a stutter.
But on to you, BB...there are a few things you can do to influence a change in behaviour:
1. The Dead Stop
This is where you get to a cross street and just (you guessed it) stop walking. If your people keep walking, let them. They're never going leave without you, even though they pretend they might. When they come back, stay like stone until they move in the direction you want to go. Be sure to be sitting, though. I find that if I'm standing, my peeps are more likely to throw the leash back on.
2. The Covert Click.
When the TV goes on, grab a seat on the couch and, more importantly, on the remote. Wiggle your body so you change the channel, but don't make it look like you're doing it. Also, don't make it obvious by switching to a show you clearly like. Instead, use the CC Moment to introduce your peeps to something new — although, I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to watch Jeopardy!
3. The Droplets
If you want to go out earlier, all you have to do is let a few pee drops slip. The key here is placement. It has to be visible, but you don't want it to close to your stuff either because...well, because pee. I'd recommend the front hall, by the back door or next to your people's bed. That last one's a dangerous spot as your peeps may fly off the handle a bit. But if they keep it together, you'll be on your way.
I'm sure there are more, but I'm going to go to to sleep now.