I've been declared "agile" by Who's Walking Who!
Now, I know you must be thinking "Maui, you're a frisbee dog...of course you're agile". And that's what I thought when Dan and Tiia got me agility classes for Christmas; which in itself was a bit disappointing because I had asked for a hundred pounds of cheese.
What I didn't know was that in addition to being a skill, agility's also the name of an obstacle course-like sport for dogs; and after six weeks of the three T's (training, tenacity and treats), the moment of truth came yesterday: the graduation lap.
The goal was to run through the rainbow tire, up and down the A-frame, over the jump bar, up onto the table, through the tube, across the bridge, around the weave poles and over the high jump. Naturally, I rocked the joint. And now that I'm officially "Maui Yurkenbaum, B.Ag", there are a few people I'd like to thank:
Mindy: Thank you for not taking Dan and Tiia to task too much for their self-directed, über-liberal learning styles. I saw where you were going with things, even if they didn't.
Sheilah: Thank you for the extra help on the weave poles. They really were the bane of my existence, but your crack-like treats made learning so much more enjoyable.
Seamus: Thank you for setting the bar high from the very first day. I overheard your Mom say you're gonna take a shot at the big leagues. Give'em hell, buddy!
Zoe: Thank you for reminding us every class that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. You can have the big table any time.
Bobo: Thank you for consistently deflecting attention away from my whining and whimpering with your submissiveness. You're a good friend.
Tiia: Thank you for pushing me and Dan to keep going with it, and for being my partner on the course. You're the beating heart of Team Yurkenbaum.
Dan: Thank you for supporting me and Tiia. I know you've been busy and it meant a lot that you didn't miss a class.
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