Friday, January 2, 2015

A New Year's Surprise

I named Dan's parents Helsi and BenevolEd. I thought they were great grandparent names at the time. They prefer Bubbika and Zeddy. So do I.

Anyway, Milo slept at Bubbika and Zeddy's place on New Year's Eve.  I hear it's nice. I have fond memories of the basement in their old house. I peed on the floor the first time Dan and I went down there. I was young and experimenting with boundaries. I also liked the backyard.

Another reason I liked it was that there was no rule prohibiting dogs from visiting. Can't say the same for their new place, but I've made it my 2015 mission to change the condo board's mind.

I started on New Year's Eve by hanging out in the lobby while Dan and Tiia dropped Milo off. I made friends with the concierge (Happy New Year, Lawrence!) and met a lovely South African couple on their way to a party. 

Like in the basement at 146, I experimented with boundaries (Relax Zeddy, I didn't pee). I ventured to the far end of the carpet by the elevator bay. From there, you can't see the front doors anymore, which I'd argue means you're officially inside. Truth be told, I had no interest in moving off the plush fancy carpet anyway. Would you? 

Lawrence watched me the whole time and even asked what kind of dog I was. He'd heard of a Portuguese Water Dog, but never a French. Dan gave him the line. It never gets old.

I had Lawrence smiling the whole time, and not the nervous "I hope no one sees this" kind. It was more of a "I would let you up if I could".  

Step One – Endear Myself to the Gatekeeper: √ 

In case you're wondering, Step Two is getting caught in the lobby by an anti-puppy board member, and getting Dan and/or Tiia momentarily chewed out in the process. If they're smart, they'll say they're there to visit the Feingolds in 602 and hope it checks out. 

As the earful is being delivered, I'll throw my best cute-face on and actually make the deliverer feel silly about banning beautiful creatures like me.

He'll walk across to the Manulife Centre (where they allow dogs, by the way), grab a coffee, and realize that the rule makes no sense. He'll add it as a discussion point in the next newsletter and open the door for Step Three: The Surprise Visit.

Right...surprises. I knew I was going somewhere with this.

When I woke up in 2015, Milo wasn't there. It was back to the Yurkenbaum Three. I thought it'd be heavenly, but it wasn't, despite evidence to the contrary. I miss him when he's not around. He hugs me now. Can't beat that.

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