Saturday, November 28, 2015


It's nice to be back in my bed. Of course, I mean Tiia and Dan's bed, which is really my bed that they think is their bed. It's cute.

This isn't to say the last days have been a hardship. Yorkville life with Pat and Ashley was kind of was 10 days sans kids.

But then I got home, got an ear yank from Milo and all was right in the world.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Mane Man

Dan says I look like a black lion cub. Can't argue with him today. Roar.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

7:19 am

I'm hanging out with morning people for the next 10 days. It's a little different. We were back from our walk before 9:30. At home, 9:30 is usually when I'm dreaming about my 10:45 stroll.

I've heard rumours that Dan is trying to become a morning person. I've also heard that he's actually an alien from the planet Zazzdooks. Hard to tell which is less believable.

Maui Mobster

I'd be a great hit man because no one would see me coming. They'd be all like 'oh, what a cute dog...what breed is h..." BANG!

Of course, the lack of thumbs eliminates a gun as my weapon of choice. And a knife is also out. Rope? No. Lead pipe? Candlestick? I didn't think this career choice through. Although, on more than one occasion, Tiia thought a fart of mine would kill her. So perhaps a half brick of marble and 25-40 minutes can be my weapon of choice? I could be known as Agent Orange. Rick James could play me in the movie.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Sometimes I need to assert my existence. I've tried barking, but I get drowned out by the sound of crying children — incredible given how strong my lungs are.

So I've resorted to sticking my face in Dan's crotch. I think he likes it...and really, why shouldn't he? I love putting my fave in my own crotch.
