...and I have to agree with her. I got my first one this year. It was hung on the new cabinet between Dan and Tiia's, kinda like a gold medal podium. I wonder if that was subconscious on their part? Had I known the middle one was mine before Christmas Eve, I could have spent the two 2-hour car rides in less than 24 hours pondering it. Not saying I don't appreciate it, but taking me to cottage paradise and leaving before I even get a chance to get comfy is a bit cruel, don't you think? Ahem...?
So, in my very first stocking, I got a cute green furry guy to chase up and down the hall, a rooster that "cockadoodledoos" three times every time I bite it (great fun to break out when Tiia and Dan sit down to watch TV), and a really yummy cookie that totally makes up for getting shafted by Heel Boy on the Queen Street Walk. If you're reading this, and you shop at Heel Boy, can you please ask them to put the cookies back out front?