Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A happy birthday indeed

Another April 27th has come and (almost) gone; and really, it was just another day. I woke up "on the floor" in Gramma Helsi's room, went behind the counter at the post office, tight-rope walked a curb and tried Italian prosciutto for the first time.

Yup...just another day.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Common courtesy

I like to give the peeps a few months to enjoy their new things before I annex them. Take this blanket; Dan bought it for Tiia last Christmas. Since then, I've given them 118 straight days of first dibs on it whenever we'd retire to the couch. I think that's enough time.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I'm a much better seder guest than Eliyahu. I don't need my own glass of wine or a song in my honour or anything like that. Just a few bites your dinner and maybe a bum rub.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Life as an office dog

When Dan told me he was getting an office, I was less than impressed. We had a good routine at home. I had the couch, the bed and the cheese in the fridge. He got to wear his comfy clothes all day. Win/Win.

It was a tough adjustment at first, but I'm getting used to it. On the plus side, I get the afternoon sun, surround sound and Otis the Jack Russell whose mailman-directed Napoleon complex entertains me to no end. On the minus side, the rug's no king bed, but once I fall asleep, it doesn't matter much*.

*Only applicable at work.