Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I eat sticks to make Dan mad.

Seriously...if you ever get the chance to make Dan mad, you should totally take it. He puts on this ridiculous gruff voice, his eyes get all wide and he does this mad-walk which is even weirder than his normal walk.

I get him mad by eating sticks in the park. The downside is that I throw up sticks the next morning. If I time it right, though, I can get the urge between the time Tiia leaves for work and the time Dan thought he was sleeping until. I love how mad he wants to get, but doesn't because he really believes I'm not feeling well. He's good like that.

But sometimes I wish he'd just let loose, if only to watch him mad-walk down the hall.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a dangerous game to play Maui Monster. Aspen has had 3 surgeries to remove sticks from his belly. He had a to wear a cone for weeks. Are you sure it is worth it just see that funny walk? Just think how mad he would be if you cost his $3,000.00 by eating stick.