Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I would've taken a picture, but I can't find the camera.

Me: Hey Kai...what's with the mess?
Kai: Didn't they tell you? We're moving.
Me: No, no. We're just going to the cottage. This happens every year.
Kai: Nah, man...we're moving out of the apartment. For good.
Me: Can't be.
Kai: 'Fraid it is.
Me: But...the Northwest Nook?
Kai: Someone else's sunset.
Me: And hallway sports?
Kai: Someone else's arena.
Me: (Gasp!) And the bed?
Kai: Nope, that's coming with us.
Me: Okay. I was worried there for a minute. What do you know about the new place?
Kai: I heard something about croquet in the backyard.
Me: Sounds promising.
Kai: For you, maybe.

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