Friday, February 7, 2014

He's mesmerized. And who can blame him?

Milo has learned to focus his eyes and now he can't stop staring at me. I wonder what his favourite quality of mine is? I bet it's my ears. Everyone likes my ears. One day he'll be big enough to pull at them like Dan does. I wonder if he'll tie them in a knot like Dan does? I wonder if Dan will ever figure out that I don't like it when he does that?

On the other hand, Milo could be staring at my nose. It's a cute nose, I've been told. Milo's got a cute nose too. If I had to say whose nose was cuter, I'd have to reluctantly say Milo's. Although, by the time he's old enough to read this, his nose will most certainly look different, whereas I'll have the same cute black button.

No, wait. It's gotta be my eyes. They're soulful and human-like. Dan says they make me look like a boy wearing a dog costume. Maybe Milo is a dog wearing a boy costume? Wouldn't that be something?

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