I like my name, but I hate the nickname they have for me. I've been protesting by simply not responding, but I'm missing out on treats as a result. Any other suggestions?
Rocky — aka Rockerific (???)
Hi Rocky...
That's a tough one. I can't personally relate to your dilemma as I've been happy with all my nicknames. My latest two are my favourites: Milo calls me Manya, which I like because I think sounds kinda Yiddish, which I like because it lets me get in touch with my Jewish roots, which I like because I love cheese blintzes. And just last weekend, my friend Isabelle started calling me Meowi. That's her and I together at the cottage last weekend. People call her BeeBo. Now that's a nickname.
But I digress.
Non-responsiveness never works for the reasons you've already discovered: you're the only one who's going to miss out. Instead, you need to go in the opposite direction with overt defiance.
Next time they drop a Rockerific, raise your leg like you're about to pee. Don't actually do it, though — no need to find yourself back in dog training. Just threaten. Do that four or five times and they'll start to get the hint. It's Pavlov's people. Look it up.
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