Monday, January 4, 2016

Two dogs. One frisbee.

Ben the Golden Retriever and I had a little misunderstanding in the park the other day.  I wound up taking the worst of it. Actually, that's not true. Dan and Tiia wound up taking the worst of it because it was New Year's Day and they had to take me to the emergency vet which, from what I understand, is the opposite of affordable.

It's a good thing we went because, as it turns out, Ben bites deeper than he barks. Doc said I needed antibiotics to prevent infection. I said I needed antibiotics so Dan would have to hide it in Brie twice a day and toss in in my bowl. I'll never forget the first time Dr. B told them to put my meds in cheese. "He'll take your arm off for it," he said. That's not entirely true. I'd only take a finger, but never for Blue Cheese. Gross.

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