Sunday, January 13, 2013

A sad day.

Kai died today. He was a good fish and a good friend. I wonder what tomorrow's gonna be like without him to talk to about my morning walk? He liked it when I would tell him about the pond in Wychwood Park. He always wanted to see the algae. I'm not sure why.

I heard Dan and Tiia talk about getting a new fish tomorrow. I haven't given the 'Welcome to Team Yurkenbaum' speech in a while. I think it goes like.. WAIT...HOLD THE PHONE!!!

He lives! Holy crap! He lives!! Dan was holding his lifeless body by the tail not two hours ago, and he lives!  He is a good fish!!! Good thing the peeps are procrastinators – he'd be half way to the lake by now. We're so doing the Wychwood walk tomorrow.

Not such a sad day after all.  : )

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