Monday, January 12, 2015

Ask The Maui Monster

Dear Maui Monster,

My people feel bad about not taking me for long walks in the winter. How do I let them know I really don't mind?

Love your blog,
Wonderfully Warm

Dear WW...

My people are the same way. They even go so far as to apologize when I come back inside after a bio break in the backyard. Sure, it's a break from snuggling up in bed, but as you know, looking cute is hard work. Here's what I broke out this morning. I call it 'Relaxed Bear'.

As for the guilt your people feel, I think you just have to let them own it and reap the benefits. I've used it to get more treats from the goodie jar (the liver treats are on rotation now — mmm.) You'll also have a little more leeway to push the boundaries. If you haven't read my guide to getting bed privileges, this is a good time.

Another benefit to more time inside is that you can try out different sleeping nooks. For example, I've rediscovered the brown couch and started taking advantage of the playroom carpet. Wherever you choose, make sure there's window. You want a bit of a cold air source so going out isn't quite as jarring. It's also nice to see how blustery it is so you can prepare yourself mentally. I hum the theme from Rocky.

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